
103 lines
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package pixelflut
import (
// FlutTask contains all data that is needed to flut
type FlutTask struct {
Img FlutTaskData
// FlutTaskOpts specifies parameters of the flut
type FlutTaskOpts struct {
Address string
MaxConns int
Offset image.Point
Paused bool
Shuffle bool
RGBSplit bool
RandOffset bool
// FlutTaskData contains the actual pixeldata to flut, separated because of size
type FlutTaskData = *image.NRGBA
func (t FlutTask) String() string {
img := "nil"
if t.Img != nil {
img = t.Img.Bounds().Size().String()
return fmt.Sprintf(
" %d conns @ %s\n img %v offset %v\n shuffle %v rgbsplit %v randoffset %v paused %v",
t.MaxConns, t.Address, img, t.Offset, t.Shuffle, t.RGBSplit, t.RandOffset, t.Paused,
// IsFlutable indicates if a task is properly initialized & not paused
func (t FlutTask) IsFlutable() bool {
return t.Img != nil && t.MaxConns > 0 && t.Address != "" && !t.Paused
// Flut asynchronously sends the given image to pixelflut server at `address`
// using `conns` connections. Pixels are sent column wise, unless `shuffle`
// is set. Stops when stop is closed.
// @cleanup: use FlutTask{} as arg
func Flut(t FlutTask, stop chan bool, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
if !t.IsFlutable() {
return // @robustness: actually return an error here?
var cmds commands
if t.RGBSplit {
// do a RGB split of white
imgmod := render.ImgColorFilter(t.Img, color.NRGBA{0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff}, color.NRGBA{0xff, 0, 0, 0xff})
cmds = append(cmds, commandsFromImage(imgmod, image.Pt(t.Offset.X-10, t.Offset.Y-10))...)
imgmod = render.ImgColorFilter(t.Img, color.NRGBA{0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff}, color.NRGBA{0, 0xff, 0, 0xff})
cmds = append(cmds, commandsFromImage(imgmod, image.Pt(t.Offset.X+10, t.Offset.Y))...)
imgmod = render.ImgColorFilter(t.Img, color.NRGBA{0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff}, color.NRGBA{0, 0, 0xff, 0xff})
cmds = append(cmds, commandsFromImage(imgmod, image.Pt(t.Offset.X-10, t.Offset.Y+10))...)
cmds = append(cmds, commandsFromImage(t.Img, t.Offset)...)
} else {
cmds = commandsFromImage(t.Img, t.Offset)
if t.Shuffle {
var messages [][]byte
var maxOffsetX, maxOffsetY int
if t.RandOffset {
maxX, maxY := CanvasSize(t.Address)
maxOffsetX = maxX - t.Img.Bounds().Canon().Dx()
maxOffsetY = maxY - t.Img.Bounds().Canon().Dy()
messages = cmds.Chunk(1) // each connection should send the full img
} else {
messages = cmds.Chunk(t.MaxConns)
bombWg := sync.WaitGroup{}
for i := 0; i < t.MaxConns; i++ {
msg := messages[0]
if len(messages) > i {
msg = messages[i]
time.Sleep(66 * time.Millisecond) // avoid crashing the server
go bombAddress(msg, t.Address, maxOffsetX, maxOffsetY, stop, &bombWg)
if wg != nil {